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팝업레이어 알림

팝업레이어 알림이 없습니다.

Custom Power Solution
Flexion Thin  Flimed Battery
Micro Electronic Solution

Micro Electronic Solution (지갑 속 컴퓨터/카드 플랫폼)
Our latest advances in flexible micro electronics allow sophisticated features to be embedded within a card
sized form factor – a computer in the end-user’s wallet. Many of the features can be embedded within payment
cards, for example, allowing credit card issuers to deliver more security, exclusivity, and other value add features
on an approved credit/debit card. The plain plastic credit card has become a true multi-functional computer –
only more secure.
BrightVolt’ 의 기술은  card maker 또는 issuer 에게 새롭고 복합적인  application 을 제시합니다.
Dynamic security codes
One-time passwords (OTP)
Transaction signing on the card
Two-factor authentication
Card unlock using a PIN entry
On card display of balance
* Vertical – Powered Card Solution


다양한 기능을 payment card 안에 내장할 수 있습니다.
Credit card issuer 들의 승인 하에, 승인된 카드에게만
주어지는 추가적인 security,  특권층을 위한 고급스러움 등의 가치가 더해질 수 있습니다.
Plain plastic credit card 는 진정한 멀티기능의 컴퓨터가 되었습니다.
* BrightVolt Card Production Platforms
No button platform— For dynamic CVC2/CVV2 applications
BrightVolt Flexion™ battery

3 digit e-paper display from link – always on

Programmable microcontroller

RF interface for personalization

Designed for use in dual interface payment cards

3-5 year service life depending on refresh cycle


Single button platform
– For one time password applications  


Multi button platform

– For transaction signing, mutual authentication and high security applications


회사소개 제품소개 CONTACTS

(주)블루칩이엔피  서울특별시 금천구 가산디지털2로 184 (가산동) 벽산디지털밸리 2차 620호
  전화: 02-2113-2790   팩스: 02-2113-2792   이메일: sipark@ibluechip.co.kr

